Munich- Pinakothek der Moderne, part I
Max Ernst- Die Erwartung, 1926 Max Ernst- Die Windsbraut II, 1927 Max Ernst- Ruinen, 1922 Max Ernst- Totem und Tabu, 1941/42 Max Ernst-...

Munich- Neue Pinakothek Museum, part I
Ludwig von Hofmann- Notturno 1897 Ferdinand Georg Waldmüller- The Expected One 1860 Honoré Daumier- The Drama 1860 Michael Lieb- Visiting...

Voyage musical to Nantes – E.Ysaye, II sonata for violin solo. Dialogue with
Nantes – city in west part of France. 50 km from the Atlantic coast, located on the Loire River. Is the sixth largest city in France...

Giverny- Jardin de C. Monet 15.05. 2014
#photos #giverny #monet