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 Musical Hybrids



1. Les soirées intimes

2. lmpressionism

3. Debussy & Bergson

4. An invitation to the                opera

5. Skamander and Café de      la Régence

6. Love's greeting


To be continued...

1. Les soirées intimes



"... If I were sure that you did not want to appear

I would go to forget you,

ask to sleep

To sleep till morning


To sleep until

I love you no more!""

4. An invitation to the                   opera

Librettos and opera music revised in one spectacle.

2. Impressionism

This hybrid is form of audio guide to french impressionist masterpieces projected on the screen. 

Music of G. Faure, C. Debussy, M. Ravel

Textes: M.Wnek

5. Skamander and

   Café de la Régence

This musical hybrid is dedicated mostly

to the public of Polish origin and all lovers of


and history.

After the performance ability to play chess. 

3. Debussy & Bergson

"Beauty must appeal to the senses, must provide us with immediate enjoyment, must impress us or isinuate itself into us without any effort on our part."  


Claude Debussy 


"To exist is to change, to change is to mature, to mature is to go on creating oneself endlessly."


Henri Bergson

6. Love's greeting

We will be sourranded

by love 

In the company

of classicaĺ music,

icons from Hoolywood

and popular music. 

Romantic atmosphere guaranteed. 

conception, realisation © 2014

by Malgorzata Wnek 

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